Counselling Psychologist


about me

I am a Counselling Psychologist recognised by the Health and Care Professions Council. I am a versatile clinician proficient in contemporary psychological models and techniques. Out of the wide range of psychotherapeutic modalities I find the psychoanalytic approach most helpful and I will be relying on it in my work with you. I completed my Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton, London in 2015. I subsequently attended numerous training events, conferences and shorter courses to keep my knowledge up to date. Also, I have recently completed The Foundation course at the Institute of Psychoanalysis.

In addition to private practice my work experience includes a number of NHS posts which I held over the past 13 years: specialist HIV and Sexual Health service in the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital; psychiatric hospital (Newham Centre for Mental Health, London) and IAPT service in South London. I have also worked with mental health charities across London.

The past 13 years of practicing psychotherapy have taught me valuable lessons about emotional pain, hope, humility and the preciousness of human connection. I am passionate about psychotherapy and I firmly believe that the reflective space and insight it offers can make life’s challenges more tolerable and life itself more meaningful. Through our dialogue I will seek to build a safe and compassionate space where you can become curious about your mind, get to know yourself in a more honest way, beyond cliché descriptions and labels. I will also be paying special attention to our therapeutic relationship (that is the relationship between the clinician and the client) as a means of helping us gain insight into your patterns of interpersonal relating. I will also be asking myself a question originally posed by Carl Rogers: “How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?”

Whether you are feeling stuck and emotionally depleted, low and anxious, struggling with interpersonal relationships or psychotic experiences I am confident that therapeutic dialogue can offer meaningful insights and help you on your journey. I see my role as helping you to gain insight into your difficulties challenging some self defeating thinking patterns and unhelpful coping strategies whist maintaining an attitude of gentle compassion and acceptance.

I can work with you in English, Russian (my first language) or Italian.

I was previously known as Dr Anna Gladoseva.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.”

— Viktor E. Frankl

  • Psychotherapy

    Treatment aims to reach beyond the initial symptoms which may have initiated the desire for therapy, to the underlying causes which reside in deeper layers of the personality.

  • Supervision

    Clinical supervision for trainee and qualified clinicians within the psychodynamic theoretical approach.

session fee

Individual £150